Wellness Grant Program

The Wellness Grant Program was established in 2015 by the Department of Health and Wellness to support community-led wellness initiatives that positively influence healthier lifestyles and community well-being.

Grant streams are structured around core health promotion principles and modifiable risk factor areas that prevent chronic disease:

  • Physical Activity
  • Healthy Eating
  • Living Tobacco-Free
  • Reducing Alcohol Consumption
  • Injury Prevention
  • Social Determinants of Health (e.g., childhood experiences)

Since 2015, the Wellness Grant Program has funded over 120 projects. Check out our Featured Stories section for some highlights on previous grant recipients!


Applications for the Community Catalyst Grants and School Health Grants are now closed. 

What is the Wellness Grant Program?
The Live Well PEI Wellness Grant Program has been designed to support collaboration at the local level to reduce barriers, increase supports, and enhance resources that positively influence health outcomes and make healthy choices easier for all Island residents. The focus of the Wellness Grant Program is on upstream wellness initiatives and chronic disease prevention.
The Wellness Grant Program provides funding to support initiatives guided by health promotion principles in the following areas of chronic disease prevention and the social, economic and structural conditions that impact health:
  • Physical Activity
  • Healthy Eating
  • Living Tobacco-Free
  • Reducing Alcohol Consumption
  • Injury Prevention
  • Social Determinants of Health (e.g., childhood experiences)

Through this program, communities, schools, and organizations are empowered to implement projects and initiatives that meet their needs.

Funding is available to support a wide range of new projects and initiatives that use health promoting strategies to prevent chronic disease in settings and across populations. Two different grant streams are available:

Community Catalyst Grant (up to $7500) – designed to support Island communities in mobilizing and building local capacity; and

School Health Grant (up to $3000) – designed to support the Comprehensive School Health/Health Promoting Schools framework with initiatives aimed at improving health literacy skills and the physical, mental, and social wellbeing of Island students.


2024-2025 Wellness Grant Funding 

The focus of the LIVE WELL PEI Wellness Grant Program is on upstream wellness initiatives and chronic disease prevention. Funding is not intended for initiatives/projects that are directly related to primary or acute patient care, chronic disease management, access to care, or coordination of services for those requiring care. The focus of the 2024-2025 funding cycle is on the 4 pillars (health behaviors) of chronic disease prevention and the social, economic and structural conditions that impact health:

  • Healthy Eating
  • Physical Activity
  • Living Tobacco-Free
  • Reducing Alcohol Consumption
  • Social Determinants of Health (e.g., childhood experiences)
  • Injury Prevention

The School Health Grant is designed to support the Comprehensive School Health/Health Promoting Schools framework with initiatives aimed at improving health literacy skills and the physical, mental, and social wellbeing of Island students.

Schools can apply for up to $3000 in grant funding. The level of grant funding being requested should correspond with the project scope. The project selection committee will review and assess your application and budget.  The committee may provide you with a lower or higher grant amount than you requested.


**Applications are now closed for the 2024/25 grant cycle**


Funding is not intended for initiatives/projects that are directly related to primary or acute patient care, chronic disease management, access to care, or coordination of services for those requiring care. The program provides the opportunity for not-for-profit organizations, schools, Indigenous Nations, organizations, groups, and communities to apply for one-time funding for new projects and initiatives.

Other Wellness Funding

Youth Mental Health Fund: Call for proposals 2024 - Canada.ca (Opened November 18, 2024, and will close on January 22, 2025.)

Fonds pour la santé mentale des jeunes: Guide du demandeur - Canada.ca (Ouvert le 18 novembre 2024 et fermera le 22 janvier 2025.)

Government of Canada New Horizons for Seniors

Government of Canada Healthy Canadians and Communities Grant (closed)

Government of Canada Intersectoral Action Fund (closed)

Government of Canada Mental Health of Black Canadians Fund (closed)

Government of Canada Strategic FASD Projects Fund (closed)

Government of Canada Suicide Prevention Health Promotion Program (closed)

Government of Canada Preventing and Addressing Family Violence (closed)

Canada Post Community Foundation Grant Program

Canadian Medical Association Healthy Canadians Grant

Canadian Tire JumpStart Community Development Grants

City of Charlottetown Community Sustainability Microgrant Program

Communities in Bloom Grants

Community Foundation of PEI Community Grants

Federation of Canadian Municipalities Green Municipal Fund

Recreation PEI Healthy Recreation Facilities Grant Program

Recreation PEI Physical Literacy Grant

ParticipAction Community Better Challenge

United Way of PEI Community Grants