Live Well PEI 

Live Well PEI is the official brand and voice of the Chief Public Health Office's Health Promotion Unit.  Through this website and social media channels it aims to provide research and evidence, share information and resources, and engage community in conversation and action to empower individuals and improve the conditions and risk factors that impact health.

The brand focuses on chronic disease prevention through five main sub-brands that address modifiable risk factors: Breathe Well, Choose Well, Eat Well, Feel Well, and Move Well.  

Live Well PEI Design Project 

This project is made possible through funding by the Public Health Agency of Canada Healthy Canadians and Communities Fund and the Government of PEI, Department of Health and Wellness (Chief Public Health Office), Health PEI, and SPOR Evidence Alliance, and time invested by other government departments, non-governmental organizations, and community members.

Goals of the Project

The Live Well PEI Design project will determine how the Chief Public Health Office can help community groups to develop, implement and sustain community action to prevent chronic disease.

More specifically, this project is looking at how this can be achieved through interactive online tools, resources and services, that would be added to this website, as well as grant criteria for community health promotion initiatives.

Project Methodology

The Live Well PEI Design Phase project uses a framework for developing public health interventions called Six Steps in Quality Intervention Development (6SQuID)

6SQuID Steps:

Step 1: Define and understand the problem and its causes

Step 2: Clarify which casual or contextual factors are malleable and have greatest scope for change

Step 3: Identify how to bring about change: the change mechanisms

Step 4: Identify how to deliver the change mechanisms

Step 5: Test and refine on small scale

Step 6: Collect sufficient evidence of effectiveness to justify rigorous evaluation/implementation

Community Engagement

The Live Well PEI Design Project uses several different approaches to engage community throughout the project. These approaches include:

  • Informing community by providing information about the project and outputs from the project using this webpage.  
  • Consulting community by obtaining community feedback through an evaluation survey and evaluation focus groups.
  • Involving community through community workshops to ensure that community concerns, preferences, and goals are understood and considered throughout the project.
  • Collaborating with community organizations as a member of the project team, which means these organizations are involved in decision-making.
  • Empowering community through the project's main output by providing tools, resources, services and grant funding that will empower community groups to lead health promotion initiatives. 

What tools would help you develop or implement projects to prevent chronic disease in your community? 

We welcome your input! If you have ideas, Engage With Us

Project Reports & Findings

Stay tuned for reports and resources that will be added here!