Healthy Society

Reducing tobacco use is a national health policy priority. Canada's Federal Tobacco Strategy set an ambitious target of "5 by 2035," which aims to see the current smoking rate reduced to 5% of the Canadian population by 2035. Steps taken at the local and provincial level – policy, programs, and the creation of smoke-free spaces – all work towards supporting this goal.

Through good public policy, we have been working hard in PEI to create environments that protect the public from second-hand smoke and prevent youth uptake and access to products that are harmful to their health.

Municipalities also play an important role in protecting the health of all citizens by taking actions to reduce the harmful impact of tobacco use in communities.

Municipal bylaws, policies, programs, and partnerships can help to:

  • Ensure youth do not start to smoke
  • Assist smokers in quitting
  • Protect people from exposure to second-hand smoke

Provincial Legislation

Smoke-Free Places Act (SFPA) 
The SFPA is intended to protec PEI residents from the harmful effects of second-hand smoke and the vapour from an electronic smoking device. It is also meant to reduce the consumption of tobacco products in the province through supportive smoke-free environments. 

Demand is rising for smoke-free outdoor public spaces and smoke-free housing options. The SFPA sets a provincial baseline for protection from second-hand smoke; however, municipalities can take additional steps to protect the health of residents and visitors through their own smoke-free bylaws. 

Tobacco and Electronic Smoking Device Sales and Access Act (TESDSAA) 
The TESDSAA was enacted to regulate the sale, advertising and promotion of tobacco, tobacco-related products and electronic-smoking devices in Prince Edward Island. 

Federal Legislation

Tobacco and Vaping Products Act (TVPA)
The TVPA was enacted in 2018 to regulate the manufacture, sale, labelling, and promotion of tobacco and vaping products sold in Canada.

Tobacco and Vaping Products Act (TVPA)
The TVPA was enacted in 2018 to regulate the manufacture, sale, labelling, and promotion of tobacco and vaping products sold in Canada.

Smoke-Free Places Act (SFPA)
The SFPA is intended to protect PEI residents from the harmful effects of second-hand smoke and the vapour from an electronic smoking device. It is also meant to reduce the consumption of tobacco products in the province through supportive smoke-free environments.
Demand is rising for smoke-free outdoor public spaces and smoke-free housing options. The SFPA sets a provincial baseline for protection from second-hand smoke; however, municipalities can take additional steps to protect the health of residents and visitors through their own smoke-free bylaws.
Tobacco and Electronic Smoking Device Sales and Access Act (TESDSAA)
The TESDSAA was enacted to regulate the sale, advertising and promotion of tobacco, tobacco-related products and electronic-smoking devices in Prince Edward Island.