Healthy Communities

Good nutrition is very important for the overall wellness of Islanders. Communities have a significant impact in shaping social norms and creating health-promoting environments.

Community-based nutrition programs, such as community gardens, kitchens, food security, and healthy food options in recreational facilities, all contribute to improving healthy eating knowledge and reducing barriers to eating well. 

Nutrition in the Community

The environment in which we live, work, learn, and play has an impact on our food choices and our ability to achieve overall health and well-being. Communities play an important role in encouraging healthy food environments - below are some organizations and groups that are supporting and working towards building healthier food environments in our Island communities: 

Charlottetown Food Council
Farm and Food Care PEI
Rec Facility Audit
PEI Food Exchange
Breast feeding initiative PEI


School Food Environment

Local school breakfast and lunch programs play an important role in supporting positive nutrition habits early in life and encourage healthy eating. Starting the day off with a nutritious breakfast also sets students up for success in their learning and helps improve academic achievement. 




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